Family ties. . . an adoption story

Uncle Obie and Aunt Mae
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Obie is my dads oldest brother. He only has 2 that are still alive, the other is Uncle Fred.

Well, I got the scoop on Uncle Fred when I met my aunt. . . He has reservations about meeting me. It's a shame. I would love to meet him.
Uncle Obie is 81 at this time, my Aunt Mae is 82. They can't remember too much about the family.
Uncle Obie said dad and my grandpa were both big men. Dad was 6'4". Aunt Mae says my son, Johnny, looks just like my dad. That's neat to know that.

Both of their health is not the best. I am just greatful to God to allowing them to be around long enough for me to meet them.
The neatest thing, I was able to get my aunt, uncle and Aunt Maes' 2 daughters (my cousins) all in church at the same time!!!! My heart was so full.
I've been helping my aunt & uncle around the house. Doing some things that they aren't able to do.
God knew the timing. God is so wonderful.
